If you need humidity measurements along with temperature and wind, then the Kestrel 3000 is the best option. The Kestrel 2000’s accuracy and price helped it to rank high in our Best Handheld Weather Station of 2022 rankings, while the impressive feature set of the 3500 yet a fairly affordable price put it at #3.
Stepping down to the Kestrel 5000 with LiNK saves you $80 on MSRP, but still has the option for LiNK which allows you to place the Kestrel on a mount and use it as a true portable weather station. While the Kestrel 5500 offers the most functionality, most of the additional variables it measures are only useful in highly specialized applications. Which handheld weather station is the best overall? Here are those scores for the 8 handheld weather stations we tested. Generally, scores between 80-100 are considered the best, 70-80 good, 60-70 average, and 59 and below poor. Where the scores are the same, the device’s overall ranking is used to break the tie. Below, we’ve ranked our top stations in each area. To decide which handheld weather station is the best, we’ve developed a 100-point scoring system to determine the five best that we will feature in our rankings. The overall rating is weighted in the following manner: We then compare them side by side, giving a rating in each area. To determine the best handheld weather station, we look at five areas: accuracy/performance, affordability, durability, feature set, and ease of use. You can see our testing protocol here and our rating formula here.Ĩ handheld weather stations were considered for our rankings for the Best Handheld Weather Station of 2022. We test select handheld weather stations for several weeks, giving us critical insight into long-term reliability, something a quick review cannot. Unlike many sites, we test the products we recommend or have direct experience with the company. How Our Handheld Weather Station Reviews are Different Keep in mind that wind readings max out at 67mph, and the margin of error is a rather large 5% - far bigger than any of our previous recommendations. But buyers are using it for weather, and with a good degree of success too.

For casual use, the BT-100 is perfect as it retails for under $40, and measures all of the commonly included variables like temperature, wind, and wind chill.īut the BT-100 isn’t necessarily built for this use: instead, it (and other copycat models on Amazon) are for technicians to test the performance of HVAC units. If your budget is super tight, the BTMETER BT-100 wind speed meter is a popular seller on Amazon (as well as a popular alternative among TWSE readers, too).
How To Want to learn how to install your weather station? Program your weather radio? Our How-Tos section has those answers and more.Best Home Weather Stations in the UK/EU.Best Home Weather Stations in Australia.